A classic game of Truth or Drink never gets old! This fun drinking game can be played with friends in any setting, no matter how many people there are — it’s sure to be a hit!
Whether you want to get to know someone better or have a good laugh, some good Truth or Drink questions are always a great way to lighten the mood. Head over to this article if you want to know more about the Truth or Drink game.
Play Truth or Drink online
Want to play this fun game but need help to think of good questions? No problem! You can play Truth or Drink online and access over 1,000 questions without hassle!
Playing this online version is easy: all you have to do is choose a category, and voila! You’ll get a random Truth or Drink question from that category. Ready to get started?
How to play Truth or Drink
This classic party staple is easy to learn and always a hit! Here’s how it works:
- Assign a player to go first, and prepare your drinks!
- The first player will ask a Truth or Drink question to another player.
- The other player decides whether to answer the question truthfully or take a “drink”. If the player chooses to answer the question, they must do so honestly. If they choose to drink, then they must take a sip of their beverage!
- The player who answered the question gets to ask another player a Truth or Drink question.
- The game continues until all players turn or someone drinks too much!
Remember, never force someone to drink if they don’t want to! Drinking games should always be played responsibly.
Fun Truth or Drink questions for friends

Time for the fun part! Ask your friends these Truth or Drink questions for an exciting and fun conversation!
1. What was the last thing you lied about?
Be honest, now!
2. If you could be any celebrity, who would it be?
Ah, the life of the rich and famous!
3. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
We’ve all been there!
4. What’s your weirdest habit?
Hey, we won’t judge!
5. Have you ever had a crush on someone in this room?
Spill the beans or take a sip. Love might be in the air!
6. What’s the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?
Prepare for some hilarious childhood tales!
7. What’s the most ridiculous fashion trend you’ve followed?
Confess those questionable style choices and laugh it off.
8. Have you ever used a fake ID? Share the escapades!
Time to recount those daring adventures under a different name.
9. What’s the worst gift you’ve ever given or received?
Prepare for some unforgettable gift blunders and guffaws.
10. What’s the guilty pleasure song that you’d never admit to liking?
Confess those cheesy jams that get your foot tapping.
11. Have you ever had a crush on your friend’s partner?
Oh, the tangled webs we weave! Spill or take a sip.
12. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve Googled?
No judgment here – we’ve all had our curious moments!
13. Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person by accident?
Share the awkward moments of misdirected messages.
14. What’s the silliest fear you still have as an adult?
Time to reveal those irrational fears that make you chuckle.
15. Have you ever been caught doing something you shouldn’t in public?
Tell the tales of your stealthy escapades or awkward encounters.
16. What’s the strangest food combination you secretly enjoy?
Unveil those culinary concoctions that defy logic but taste delicious.
17. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? Who?
Fantasy crushes exposed! Let your inner fan shine through.
18. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done on social media?
Recall those cringe-worthy posts that still haunt you.
19. Have you ever cheated during a game and got away with it?
Confess your sneaky victories or cunning strategies.
20. What’s the most outrageous dare you’ve ever accepted?
Share tales of your daredevil exploits – no holds barred!
21. Have you ever snooped through someone else’s phone?
Reveal those moments of curiosity and possible mischief.
22. What’s the most embarrassing nickname you’ve been given?
Prepare for laughter as you recount those childhood monikers.
23. Have you ever faked being sick to get out of something?
Time to unveil your top-notch acting skills or guilt trips.
24. What’s the most cringe-worthy pick-up line you’ve used or heard?
Get ready to laugh at some creative yet oh-so-awkward lines.
25. Have you ever accidentally insulted someone to their face?
Recall those foot-in-mouth moments that make for great stories.
26. What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever fallen asleep?
Share your adventures in catching Z’s at unconventional spots.
27. Have you ever been kicked out of a public place or event?
Time to spill the beans on those rowdy or misunderstood moments.
28. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done while drunk?
Laugh as you recount those wild and uninhibited escapades.
29. Have you ever had a crush on your friend’s sibling? Details, please!
Share the complexities of friend and family dynamics.
30. What’s the most embarrassing thing your voice cracked during?
Ah, those awkward voice-cracking moments we all remember!
Awesome Truth or Drink questions for friends

Ready to take your Truth or Drink game to the next level? Here are some awesome questions that will get people talking!
1. If you could have any superpower, which would you choose?
Fly away like Superman, or read minds like Professor X?
2. Who would it be if you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead?
A great question to get people thinking!
3. What embarrassing thing did you believe as a child?
We were all naive once!
4. If you could go back in time, where would you go?
Let your imagination run wild!
5. What’s the weirdest food combination you enjoy?
Discover their unique taste buds and culinary adventures!
6. Share a secret talent or skill you have.
Time to show off those hidden abilities!
7. What’s the most outrageous dare you’ve done?
Recount daring escapades that pushed the limits.
8. What’s your go-to dance move when nobody’s watching?
Unveil those private dance floor sensations!
9. Describe your worst date experience in three words.
Sum up the cringe-worthy encounters succinctly.
10. What’s your most used emoji? Why?
Get insights into their digital expressions and emotions.
11. Who would you be if you could swap lives with someone for a day?
Find out who they’d want to walk in the shoes of.
12. What’s the most ridiculous fear you have?
Laugh as they reveal their quirky phobias.
13. Have you ever been caught singing in the shower?
Spill the beans on their private serenades!
14. What’s the strangest dream you’ve ever had?
Delve into their subconscious for surreal stories.
15. What’s the silliest way you’ve injured yourself?
Share those hilarious “ouch” moments of clumsiness.
16. If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
Find out the anthem they’d choose for their journey.
17. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Details, please!
Uncover those school-time infatuations and giggles.
18. What’s the most bizarre animal fact you know?
Impress with unusual wildlife knowledge!
19. Share a hidden guilty pleasure TV show or movie.
Expose those guilty indulgences in entertainment.
20. What’s the worst fashion trend you’ve followed?
Recall those cringe-worthy style choices of the past.
21. Have you ever prank-called someone? Spill the beans!
Reveal those mischievous phone escapades.
22. What’s the weirdest place you’ve been caught sleeping?
Laugh at the unexpected nap spots they’ve chosen.
23. Share a childhood dream that you’ve never told anyone.
Delve into those aspirations they kept hidden.
24. What’s the most trouble you’ve been in with the law?
Share tales of wild youth or misadventures.
25. If you could switch lives with a friend for a day, who would it be?
Explore their curiosity about their friends’ lives.
26. What’s the most bizarre food you’ve tried and liked?
Learn about their adventurous palate.
27. Have you ever had a paranormal experience? Share the details!
Get ready for spooky stories and mysterious encounters.
28. What’s the worst pick-up line you’ve used or heard?
Laugh at the cheesy lines that didn’t quite work.
29. Share an embarrassing childhood crush story.
Delight in the memories of puppy love and blushing.
30. What’s the most impulsive thing you’ve ever done?
Recount those split-second decisions and their consequences.
Hilarious Truth or Drink questions for friends

Looking for some laughs? Here are some hilarious questions that will have everyone in stitches!
1. What would you do if money was no object?
Everyone’s idea of a perfect day is different!
2. Who has the worst fashion sense in your group of friends?
We’ve all got that one friend!
3. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
Don’t knock it ’til you try it!
4. Who has the worst taste in music?
One person’s trash is another’s treasure!
5. If you could swap lives with an animal for a day, which one would it be?
Time to unleash your inner critter dreams!
6. What’s the silliest thing you’ve done while drunk?
Laugh at those wild and wacky intoxicated escapades!
7. What would it be if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life?
Decide between a lifetime of cheesy pizza or sweet treats!
8. Share your most embarrassing gym moment.
Prepare for laughter as gym mishaps are exposed!
9. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve Googled recently?
Time to confess those odd queries that pop into your mind.
10. Who’s your celebrity crush? Feel free to swoon!
Fantasies and heartthrobs come to light!
11. If you could be a character in any movie, who would you be?
Explore the realms of cinematic daydreams!
12. What’s the funniest rumor you’ve heard about yourself?
Laughter erupts as outrageous tales surface.
13. Share your most embarrassing childhood nickname.
Chuckle at those cringeworthy names of yore.
14. What’s the most ridiculous way you’ve injured yourself?
Prepare for slapstick tales of hilariously clumsy moments.
15. What’s the strangest gift you’ve ever received?
Recall those eyebrow-raising presents that left you puzzled.
16. If you were a vegetable, which one would you be? Why?
Time to dive into the whimsical world of veggie personalities.
17. Share a pick-up line you’d never actually use but find hilarious.
Laugh at the creativity behind those cheesy lines.
18. What’s your go-to dance move when you’re alone?
Reveal those dance floor antics when no one’s watching.
19. If you were a cartoon character, what catchphrase would you have?
Unleash your animated alter ego’s signature line!
20. Share the last thing you binge-watched. Guilty pleasure or not!
Confess your screen-time indulgence with a grin.
21. What’s the most absurd rumor you’ve ever spread about someone?
Own up to those playful or mischievous tales.
22. If you could switch bodies with a friend for a day, who would it be?
Explore the hilarity of life-swapping scenarios.
23. Share an embarrassing selfie from your camera roll.
Laugh at the candid snapshots you’d rather forget.
24. What’s the most cringe-worthy text you’ve accidentally sent?
Revisit those hilarious autocorrect blunders.
25. If your life was a sitcom, what would the title be?
Dive into the comedic potential of your life’s storyline.
Epic Truth or Drink questions for friends

Ready to take your game up a notch? Here are some epic Truth or Drink questions that will get people talking!
1. Where would you go if you could travel to any point in history?
Change the past or witness an event?
2. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for love?
Ah, getting caught in the throes of love!
3. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
What does the future hold?
4. What would it be if you could only give one piece of advice to your younger self?
What would you tell your past self?
5. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done publicly without realizing it?
Share those moments of oblivious hilarity!
6. If you could swap lives with any fictional character for a day, who would it be?
Embark on imaginative journeys through fictional realms!
7. What’s the most bizarre dream you’ve ever had? Details, please!
Share those surreal nighttime adventures.
8. If your life was a movie genre, what would it be?
Explore the cinematic themes of your life’s story.
9. What’s the most outrageous rumor you’ve heard about yourself?
Reveal those unbelievable tales that circulate.
10. If you could instantly learn any skill, what would it be?
Unleash your inner curiosity and ambition!
11. Share your funniest childhood memory that always makes you laugh.
Time to revisit those unforgettable moments of youth.
12. What’s the strangest phobia you have? Spiders, clowns, or something else?
Dive into those irrational fears and chuckles.
13. What would it be if you could have any animal as a pet, mythical or real?
Imagine the extraordinary companions you’d choose.
14. What’s the most epic prank you’ve pulled or been a victim of?
Recount the hilariously memorable practical jokes.
15. What would it be if your life had a theme song that played wherever you went?
Discover the musical backdrop of their daily adventures.
16. What’s the most embarrassing app on your phone right now?
Reveal those apps that you’d rather keep hidden.
17. If you could spend a day in someone else’s body, who would it be?
Embark on a fantastical journey through another’s perspective.
18. Share your most cringe-worthy pick-up line attempt.
Laugh at those endearingly cheesy moments.
19. What’s the most unexpected thing you’re secretly good at?
Unveil those hidden talents that no one sees coming.
20. What would it be if you could have any job for a week? Why?
Explore the fantasies of different careers and lifestyles.
Cheers to unforgettable moments with your friends! But the good times don’t have to end here. Here can you find even more Truth or Drink questions that will keep the laughter and stories flowing.