Truth or Drink is a fun game that will turn any gathering into an unforgettable night. You don’t need much equipment to play — just a bit of courage and laughter!
To get the party going, we’ve compiled some freaky Truth or Drink questions to keep your friends on their toes. This way for more about the Truth or Drink game.
Play Truth or Drink online
Thinking of ideas for Truth or Drink questions can be tricky. Especially if you want your game to be out of the ordinary and spicier than ever! Don’t worry - we’ve got you covered!
Fortunately, you can now easily play Truth or Drink through our app. We’ve handpicked 1,000+ craziest questions imaginable to ensure you get an unforgettable night; choose a category, and leave the rest to us!
How to play Truth or Drink
Playing Truth or Drink is simple! To begin, gather your friends and decide who will start. The first player gets to ask another player a question. That player then has to choose - answer truthfully or take a shot.
The questions can range from silly to spicy; it’s up to you! If the players choose ’truth’, they must answer the question honestly and without hesitation.
But if they choose ‘drink’, they must take a shot of their preferred beverage. Then it’s the next player’s turn!
Keep playing until you’re all out of questions - or drinks! So, what are you waiting for? Get your friends together and prepare to play some Freaky Truth or Drink!
Freaky Truth or Drink questions

Want to get the party started? Here are some freaky Truth or Drink questions that will keep everyone on their toes:
1. What’s your wildest fantasy?
We won’t judge!
2. Have you ever stolen anything?
Just don’t get caught!
3. Have you ever had a crush on someone your friends didn’t like?
That’s tough.
4. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done in bed?
Adventurous, aren’t you?
5. What’s the most embarrassing text you’ve sent to the wrong person?
Oops, technology can be tricky!
6. Have you ever faked an orgasm?
Spill the secrets of the bedroom!
7. What’s the most outrageous dare you’ve ever accepted?
Bold moves only!
8. Share a guilty pleasure you’ve never told anyone about.
Time to reveal your hidden obsessions!
9. Have you ever had a crush on a friend’s sibling?
Navigating tricky territories of the heart.
10. What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever had a romantic encounter?
Love knows no boundaries, right?
11. Have you ever snooped through someone else’s phone?
Curiosity can get the best of us!
12. What’s the naughtiest dream you’ve had about someone in this room?
Let’s dive into your subconscious desires!
13. Have you ever sent a risky photo that you later regretted?
Navigating the world of digital decisions.
14. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done while under the influence?
Sometimes, we lose control!
15. Have you ever had a one-night stand?
Sharing tales of spontaneous adventures.
16. What’s the most unusual place you’ve kissed someone?
Kisses in unexpected corners!
17. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher or professor?
A classic schoolyard confession.
18. What’s your most unconventional turn-on?
Exploring the depths of desire.
19. Have you ever had a romantic dream about someone in this room?
Dreams can reveal hidden feelings!
20. What’s the most scandalous rumor you’ve spread about someone?
Spill the tea on your gossip tales!
21. Have you ever been caught in a compromising situation?
Awkward moments, we’ve all been there!
22. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done to impress a crush?
Love makes us do crazy things!
23. Have you ever cheated in a relationship?
Delve into matters of the heart.
24. What’s the most adventurous place you’ve skinny-dipped?
Taking a daring plunge into the unknown!
25. Have you ever had a crush on your friend’s ex?
The complexities of friendship and attraction.
26. What’s the boldest thing you’ve said while flirting?
Words that set hearts racing!
27. Have you ever had a steamy dream about a celebrity?
Fantasies that take us to Hollywood!
28. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve searched for online?
Google holds our secrets!
29. Have you ever hooked up with someone much older or younger?
Age is just a number, right?
30. What’s the most forbidden desire you’ve ever entertained?
Dive into the depths of your secret fantasies!
31. What’s the most unusual place you’ve had a passionate kiss?
Lips locked in unexpected corners!
32. Have you ever had a romantic encounter at work or school?
Love in the midst of everyday life.
33. What’s the most daring thing you’ve worn in public?
Fashion choices that turn heads!
34. Have you ever had a crush on someone who turned out to be taken?
The twists and turns of attraction.
35. What’s the most scandalous thing you’ve done on social media?
Scrolling through your digital secrets!
36. Have you ever had a fling with someone you met online?
Venturing into the realm of virtual connections.
37. What’s the most unexpected thing that’s turned you on?
Desires that take you by surprise!
38. Have you ever had a romantic moment that felt straight out of a movie?
Life imitates art in matters of the heart.
39. What’s the boldest thing you’ve done to impress your crush?
Acts of courage in the name of love!
40. Have you ever had a crush on someone your friends couldn’t stand?
Sometimes it happens when hearts clash with opinions.
Extreme Truth or Drink questions

For the truly brave, check out our Extreme Truth or Drink questions! These are some of the wildest questions you’ll ever hear - only for those who want to take their game to the next level.
1. What’s your most embarrassing sexual experience?
Let’s hope it was a one-time thing!
2. Have you ever cheated on someone and gotten away with it?
Just don’t do it again!
3. What’s the craziest lie you told to escape a sticky situation?
We’ve all been there!
4. Who’s the hottest celebrity you would want to date?
Dream big!
5. What’s the most forbidden desire you’ve entertained?
Secrets of your deepest fantasies!
6. Have you ever shared explicit pictures with someone online?
Exploring the risqué side of technology.
7. What’s the most outrageous dare you’ve ever declined?
Sometimes, discretion is the better part of valor!
8. Have you ever engaged in a physical fight over jealousy?
It happens sometimes when emotions take a fiery turn.
9. What’s the kinkiest thing you’ve never admitted to trying?
Unveiling the secrets of your adventurous side.
10. Have you ever had a steamy hookup with a stranger?
Tales of passionate encounters in the night.
11. What’s the darkest secret you’ve kept from your family?
Uncover hidden truths from the shadows.
12. Have you ever lied about your sexual history to a partner?
Navigating the complexities of past relationships.
13. What’s the wildest thing you’ve done under the influence?
Losing inhibitions and embracing the moment.
14. Have you ever had a romantic encounter with a friend’s ex?
Exploring the boundaries of friendship and desire.
15. What’s the most scandalous thing you’ve done on vacation?
Vacations can lead to unforgettable escapades!
16. Have you ever had a crush on a married person?
Treading into risky emotional territories.
17. What’s the most intimate detail about your body you’ve shared?
Embracing vulnerability in truth or drink.
18. Have you ever broken something out of anger during an argument?
When tempers flare, and things shatter.
19. What’s the naughtiest experience you’ve had in a public place?
Exposing the thrills of public intimacy.
20. Have you ever had a fling with a coworker?
Love in the workplace can be complicated!
21. What’s the guiltiest pleasure you indulge in when alone?
The secrets of solitary indulgence.
22. Have you ever had a romantic encounter with a close friend’s sibling?
Navigating the delicate world of connections.
23. What’s the most shocking thing you’ve searched for online?
Unveiling the mysteries of your online inquiries.
24. Have you ever intentionally ruined someone’s relationship?
It happens sometimes when emotions take a dark turn.
25. What’s the most extreme dare you’ve dared someone else to do?
Was the challenge accepted or not?
26. Have you ever intentionally misled someone in a romantic context?
The grey area of emotions and intentions.
27. What’s the most reckless decision you’ve made on impulse?
It sometimes happens when spontaneity leads to daring choices.
28. Have you ever had a romantic experience with a stranger?
Love is found in unexpected places.
29. What’s the most intense fear you’ve faced head-on?
Confronting your deepest anxieties.
30. Have you ever gotten into trouble with the law for something risqué?
When the line between daring and illegal blurs.
31. What’s the most daring sexual position you’ve ever tried?
Exposing the adventures of the bedroom.
32. Have you ever betrayed a friend’s trust for personal gain?
It happens sometimes when loyalty is put to the test.
33. What’s the most extreme lie you’ve told to break up with someone?
Untangling relationships with elaborate tales.
34. Have you ever stolen something significant from someone’s house?
It happens sometimes when curiosity gets the best of you.
35. What’s the most outrageous rumor you’ve spread about someone?
Spinning stories that take on a life of their own.
36. Have you ever stalked someone online obsessively?
Navigating the thin line between curiosity and obsession.
37. What’s the most dangerous situation you’ve willingly put yourself in?
Embracing the thrill of danger.
38. Have you ever confronted someone in a fit of jealousy?
It sometimes happens when emotions drive confrontations.
39. What’s the most explicit thing you’ve done on a dare?
Testing boundaries in the name of fun.
40. Have you ever had a crush on someone significantly older or younger?
Age becomes just a number in matters of the heart.
Disgusting Truth or Drink questions

Ready to get grossed out? These Disgusting Truth or Drink questions are not for the faint of heart. Give them a go if you dare!
1. What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever eaten?
Did someone make you do it?
2. Have you ever done something so disgusting that you can’t even tell your friends?
We won’t judge!
3. What is the grossest prank you have ever pulled off?
Nice one!
4. What gross habit do you have that no one knows about?
Let’s hope you can keep it a secret!
5. What’s the grossest thing you’ve found in your food at a restaurant?
Appetites lost over surprises!
6. Have you ever secretly picked your nose and eaten it?
We all have our moments, right?
7. What’s the most repulsive thing you’ve ever smelled and enjoyed?
Embracing the oddities of personal preferences.
8. Have you ever burped and then tried to smell your burp?
A secret investigation of the unseen.
9. What’s the nastiest thing you’ve ever done in a public restroom?
Venturing into the depths of hygiene habits.
10. Have you ever accidentally drunk someone else’s bodily fluid?
A cringe-worthy mishap for the ages.
11. What’s the grossest thing you’ve done while you thought no one was watching?
Secret actions in the shadows of privacy.
12. Have you ever eaten something that was crawling with bugs?
An unexpected twist in dining experiences.
13. What’s the most disgusting habit you’ve ever caught a roommate doing?
Unveiling the mysteries of cohabitation.
14. Have you ever farted in an elevator full of people and denied it?
Navigating the art of silent sabotage.
15. What’s the nastiest thing you’ve done to get revenge on someone?
It happens sometimes when spite takes a repulsive turn.
16. Have you ever used someone else’s toothbrush without them knowing?
Sharing secrets of oral hygiene hijinks.
17. What’s the most vile food combination you’ve ever tried?
Exploring the unexpected tastes of culinary experimentation.
18. Have you ever licked something off the floor in public?
Moments of audacious and unsanitary bravery.
19. What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve witnessed at a party?
Parties hold their fair share of surprises!
20. Have you ever had a bodily fluid mishap in public and played it cool?
It sometimes happens when embarrassment meets quick thinking.
21. What’s the grossest thing you’ve ever done to your own body?
Exploring the boundaries of self-care and hygiene.
22. Have you ever gone a shockingly long time without showering?
Confessions of personal hygiene routines.
23. What’s the nastiest rumor you’ve ever spread about someone?
Spreading stories that turn stomachs.
24. Have you ever eaten something you dropped on the ground in public?
The five-second rule is put to the test.
25. What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever done for money or a dare?
It happens sometimes when pride takes a backseat to outrageous challenges.
Things got a little wild with our freaky Truth or Drink questions, didn’t they? If you’re ready to turn the heat up even more, click on the link for more Truth or Drink questions!